As an artist or crafter, sometimes your work may not be understood. I know for me I paint many of my pictures with deeper meanings and this was no exception! This painting though when presented live needed a little more explanation which is great! I don’t paint what I can’t explain even on my abstract works. Also any hindrance in thoughts when people look at your handmade or hand painted artwork could be a sale not made, so never feel deterred if an explanation is needed.
Therefore what is the meaning of “ You Are The Flowers Among The Snake Eyes” it’s actually quite simple. To many times some of the closest people to you, are waiting for your downfall. So with eyes literally or figuratively they glare at you!!! So with confidence and consistency you MUST know you are the 💐 FLOWERS among their snake eyes! These ones you don’t let get to close to you and definitely try to create as much distance from them but sometimes you can not. So stay mentally and emotionally safe, focused and productive! Keep doing your work because long term success is not overnight. Find what you love so you can thrive!
This painting is available on Happy Creating! Now on to the next blog post…
Later, Crystal
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